DEAR DR. LOTES: I am a father of three and I’ve been happily married for thirteen years. My wife is a stay at home mom. I manage a candy factory and work long hours that vary from month to month. My wife has developed a friendship with another stay at home parent, who happens to be a man. Our children have become good friends and my wife has developed a connection with this man.

Their friendship has created tension in our marriage and I fear if I forbid them from seeing each other, it will only bring them closer together.

Should I be uncomfortable about my wife's new pal? -- IRATE WITH A BELLY FULL OF SWEETS

DEAR IRATE BELLY: There’s nothing wrong with feeling uneasy about your wife spending time with another man. My oldest brother, Larry, once told me, "Harold, you can only trust a woman as far as you can throw her." So I ask you, how big is your wife? Is she overweight? Chunky? Big boned? Does her stomach look like the bottom of an oversized sack of potatoes?

I personally wouldn't be concerned about this other man. His wife is the breadwinner and he’s most likely feeble minded and weak. I'm sure if push came to shove, you could defeat him in physical combat, but that's not what's important. Get to know this man better. This way you can assess if he poses a threat. Be like a dog and mark your territory. I'm not saying you should urinate in the corner of your TV room or on your wife, unless you guys are into that kind of thing. If so, keep that crap to yourself. That's disgusting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dr. Lotes,
I admire your work and I have read your autobiography, "Lotes on Lotes" several times. While watching a football game recently I realized that perhaps professional athletes do not have enough incentive to win since they all make so much money either way. I was wondering do you think that the losing team should have to carry the winning team piggy back style off the field after each contest. This would go for any professional sport not just football. I feel this would give added pleasure to the winners and extra shame to the losers. what are you feeling?